Scanning Service
Make your office PAPERLESS!
Organising your office from paper to digital can be a daunting task. Lacking the time to clean out files and sorting documents out? Come to Printfly and we can streamline the entire process with our scanning services. Bring your documents to Printfly and spend a few minutes identifying which documents need scanning and how they needed to be formatted. You can specify how you wish them to be organised digitally (folders, subfolders etc) and receive an estimated quote then and there.
Why scan and transfer to a digital filing system?
- Preserve images and documents
- No danger of losing important information
- You can access files and images more quickly
- Free up office or room space
- Share with staff at the touch of a button
- Speed up communication
- Increase productivity and efficiency
- Paperless digital storage helps the environment
Printfly will ensure your scanning is completed accurately and to deadline.
Contact us today on how to make your office PAPERLESS!